“Science and Art education”

‘More science in art and more art in science’. That is the goal of the Dark Matter Foundation. Dark Matter initiates and supports projects or workshops that stimulate the interest in art and technology at a young age. 
Because science has become so complex in our time, most people have become alienated. Science is a remote company, incomprehensible and unknown to many. Something similar to technology. Devices have become shiny, self-facing black boxes. They no longer know themselves, and even call some fear.

A lack of basic knowledge and understanding of how things work can lead to uncertainty and wrong choices. Dark Matter Foundation wants to make people aware of science and technology by reducing the distance and opening the black box. That does Dark Matter by supporting projects that bring science into science and science the art. The foundation promotes the work of artists who give a turn to science.

The Dark Matter Foundation asks makers to show their audience not only the machine, but especially how it works or how it is made. The hood must be open. The public must be able to see the camshaft, hear the flywheel and smell the oil.
Dark Matter Foundation promotes working according to the method known as thinking through making, which can be translated as making thinking or thinking with the hands. Not the theory is central, but knowledge acquisition in and through practice. This type of thinking does not take place behind the word processor or by filling in a spreadsheet, but it performs already sketching, blinking, glueing, grinding, welding. The maker thinker is a doer who begins, tries, restarts, tries again and is not afraid to share this with his audience.

Dark Matter wants to stimulate this process. The foundation supports the work of artists, inventors and engineers who walk the way from idea to installation with tools in hand and in mind raw materials.


Ivo Schoofs


dec – 2012 -2017

Developed by

  • Pieter Oppers (construction and engineering)
  • Pieter-Paul (Pepe) Heijnen (electrical engineering and software)
  • Jürgen de Wolf (3D model engineering and calculations)

Stichting Dark Matter
KvK: 56565925
SBI code; 94994
Bankraccount nr.

Large Fire Tornado

Jet Engine Wake Up Kit
